12 tips for onboarding new staff as effectively and efficiently as possible

12 tips for onboarding new staff as effectively and efficiently as possible

Recently taken on new staff? Then you’ll want to get them as productive as possible, as quickly as possible. Onboarding new staff is a critical part of the hiring process and shouldn’t be underestimated. But why is proper onboarding so important? And how can you do this as quickly as possible? Here’s how!

Why proper onboarding is so important! Onboarding new staff is a critical part of the hiring process and shouldn’t be underestimated. Proper onboarding and its long-term effects are often overlooked and worsened by hectic schedules and a lack of time to assist new hires.

Yet the advantages of doing so are numerous, for example:
  • Staff who’ve received a thorough onboarding are more productive sooner because they learn the relevant knowledge and skills for their new role early on.
  • It also means that new hires get better acquainted with the company culture sooner.
  • This results in a better ‘click’ with the rest of their team.
  • Oftentimes, new hires leave prematurely because their onboarding is chaotic, incomplete, or simply unpleasant. This is detrimental to your staff turnover figures!
  • Providing new hires with a thorough onboarding also serves as highly effective word-of-mouth advertising.
  • New hires who have positive experiences during their first weeks in a new environment will talk about this with their friends, family, and business acquaintances. Obviously, this serves as free advertising, which with a bit of luck will spread of its own accord.

Tips for onboarding new staff How should you go about onboarding new hires properly? There are countless ways to make the most of your onboarding period – for your new hires and your organization alike. Take advantage of the following tips and tricks!

1. Create a thorough onboarding plan

Start by making a full plan for your new hires. This could be a generic blueprint or a more personalized program tailored to a particular job or role. Define the key objectives, duration, and structure for your onboarding period. What will you expect of new hires at each stage? How long should tasks take and for which tasks will they be receiving extra assistance? When and how will you start reducing this assistance and be throwing them in at the deep end? A solid onboarding plan answers all these questions.

2. Start as soon as possible

Most people think that onboarding starts on a new hire’s first day at work. This is actually too late! It’s far better to start involving them closely in a pre-boarding phase. Doing so forges an intrinsic and professional bond far more quickly.

For example, invite your new hire to join you on a team outing. Or send them a heartfelt welcome letter well before their first day at work. Conversely, why not have them draft an introductory blurb for your internal newsletter in which they say hi! to the whole company?

3. Appoint a fixed ‘buddy’

Appointing a buddy gives a new hire a firm foothold in their new working environment. The ideal buddy would have a similar work profile and be familiar with the new hire’s tasks or roles. The buddy can also help familiarize the novice with the informal side of the company, for example its culture, lunch arrangements, after-work activities.

4. Familiarize new hires with the company culture

Make sure your onboarding process doesn’t only address tasks, job requirements, and productivity, but also familiarizes thems fully with your organization, its culture, and its values. Explain how to interact with clients and business partners (both formally and informally) and clarify the house rules that all employees are expected to adhere to.

5. Implement on‑the‑job training

Preliminary training programs are fast becoming an old-school approach to learning in the modern-day workplace. Especially where practical skills are involved, on‑the‑job training is far more effective and gets your new hires up and running much faster. They can start learning and applying their newly learned skills in practice and start building confidence based on real and successful learning experiences.

6. Use performance support

Performance support ensures that employees get exactly the information (and only that information) they need to perform the job at hand. This involves creating learning opportunities at regular intervals.

Tools used for performance support purposes include infographics, micro-videos, how-to videos, mobile apps, interactive PDFs, ebooks, webcasts, and podcasts. To present information most effectively, it’s important to break it into bite-sized chunks throughout their onboarding.

7. Look at options to use TWI

Training Within Industry (TWI) is a highly effective way to onboard new hires, both quickly and affordably. TWI standardizes an approach that enables experienced employees to impart their knowledge to new or younger co-workers, helping them find their way within their new working environment more quickly. Find out more about TWI and its benefits.

8. Tell an inspiring story

We all love a good story! A convincing and inspiring story about your organization’s origins or way of working helps create a bond and gives new hires a sense that they’re part of something special.
The most successful companies all have inspirational backstories that associate their brand with a particular experience. Take Bill Gates’s journey, for example, from Microsoft’s garage-based origins to billion-dollar company owner to one of the world’s richest and most generous philanthropists. What’s your company’s story?

9. Make work meaningful

Work, these days, is more than just carrying out a series of tasks to earn a daily crust. Most professionals are looking for meaning in their work. Studies have revealed that 64% of millennials would rather a fun, meaningful job and a salary of $40,000 than a dull, boring, meaningless job and a salary of $100,000.

So, focus on the bigger picture during onboarding. What impact does the new hire’s work have, both inside and outside your company’s walls? And why are you the employer that ambitious professionals would want to work for?

10. Set up a fully operational workspace

Make sure that your new hires’ workspaces are ready and waiting for them from the get-go, for example a fully installed computer with all the important applications, programs, and intranet access they’ll need. This may seem like a simple gesture, but it sends out a very powerful signal. It also means your new hire can hit the ground running.

11. Cultivate and nurture team spirit

Your new hires will be joining a team. So, start talking to them about the role they’ll be performing as early as possible and explain clearly how the team functions. Establish a dialog in which new hires also have the freedom to express their views on teamwork and collegiality.

12. Minimize the paperwork

The last thing new hires want on their first day is to be deluged under a pile of paperwork. Make sure everything you need from your new hires has already been filled out in advance. Or even better, go paperless, for example use digital forms and electronic signatures. These days, there are countless options available.
Use skills matrices to visualize progress If you want to track the progress your new hires are making, then skills matrices are the perfect tool for the job. A skills matrix presents a full picture of all your employees’ skills at a single glance.

Advantages of using skills matrices
  • Skills matrices have a lot of advantages, especially when onboarding new hires.
  • They display everyone’s skills at a glance so that everyone knows who’s capable of doing what, or not! This benefits both management and staff alike.
  • Skills matrices give you greater insights into critical skills and requirements and form a solid basis for training and recruitment policies.
  • They also make finding replacements or extra personnel a lot easier during peak periods, as they provide a clear picture of who can do what.
  • You can use skills matrices at any level – team, departmental, or organizational.
  • What’s more, if you keep your matrices up to date, they allow you to see the progress individuals or teams are making, for example in terms of professional development, productivity, and growth in the number of skills acquired and mastered.

Excel & AG5

There are many ways to create a skills matrix. For example, you could use a spreadsheet such as MS Excel. Although Excel is a good start, spreadsheets are incredibly error-prone and a minefield when it comes to version management. In other words, not ideal for long-term use. AG5’s skills management software offers far more flexibility and versatility and neatly avoids all the pitfalls associated with spreadsheets.

Make onboarding a priority

Proper onboarding has so many advantages. New hires feel more welcome, can get started more quickly, and join their team sooner. Use the tips in this article to give your new hires a flying start so that they can get the most out of their new job as quickly as possible!

11 best practices for creating skills matrices

Nothing beats having an up-to-date snapshot of your organization’s skills and competences at your fingertips – anytime, anyplace, anywhere. And skills matrices do just that! But what’s the best way to set up a skills matrix? Read our 11 best practices to learn how to get the most out of your matrices.

But what are skills matrices?

Before we dive into the ins and outs of how to create a skills matrix, it’s probably a good idea to take a quick look at what a skills matrix is exactly! Matrices give you a clear and concise picture of the skills each employee needs to acquire or master to perform a certain task. What’s more, they also display each employee’s current versus required or desired proficiency level.

Example: If a specific skill is required to use a certain piece of software in a given role or job, then a skills matrix will clearly state each employee’s proficiency level, for example zero, limited, average, high.


Skills matrices are made up of a series or rows and columns. It’s most common to list your employees down the left‑hand column and all the skills they need to be able to perform in a certain role along the top row. But it’s equally acceptable to swap these around. Within the body of the matrix, you then enter each employee’s proficiency level in relation to that required. Generally, a symbol, percentage, or qualification is used to express the level of knowledge attained and/or proficiency demonstrated.

Free MS Excel template

Many organizations rely on spreadsheets such as MS Excel to create their skills matrices. Although this is far from ideal, they’re a good start. Download our MS Excel template to get a feel for creating and maintaining a skills matrix.

Best practices

Although our template serves as a good introduction to skills matrices, they always need a fair degree of customization. After all, no two organizations are the same and each has a different focus or way of working. This is why we’ve put together our 11 best practices for customizing your skills matrices.

1. Ask the right questions

Skills matrices are highly practical tools aimed specifically at optimizing workforce deployment. Answer the questions below before starting to design your first matrix:
  • What skills, qualifications, and certifications do my employees need?
  • Which skills, qualifications, and certifications do my employees already have?
  • Is there a skills gap between the two?
  • If so, what’s the best way to close this skills gap? Would it be better to retrain existing staff or hire new staff? Or perhaps a combination of the two?
  • How and where should we create and maintain an up-to-date snapshot of the skills, qualifications, and certifications already acquired or being attained?

2. Create an overview

Once you’ve answered the questions above, you’ll need to create a link between the skills already present and those still missing. This next step involves compiling and entering all your data.

Which skills do your employees need to have acquired or mastered to perform a certain job, role, or task? Creating a clear, concise overview also provides an insight into which employees are generalists and which are specialists.

3. Identify specific skills

This step involves organizing general information into more specific skill sets. You can do this by tailoring them to a certain department or business unit. This then allows you to determine whether the right people are in the right place and whether there are actually any skill gaps emerging or already present.

4. Enter all your data in a skills matrix.

Once you’ve collected and compiled all the relevant data, it’s time to enter this in a matrix. Above all, make sure you record each employee’s proficiency at a team, departmental, and organizational level.

5. Take account of differences and limitations

No two people are the same. This means that every employee has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Not everyone can take on as much work as another can, or master as many skills. A good skills matrix will clearly highlight these differences and allow you to optimize your workforce planning efforts.

6. Don’t over-complicate your matrices

Skills matrices are great tools that provide virtually limitless options. You can make them as simple or as complex as you want, but resist the temptation to make them unnecessarily complicated, as this will limit their usefulness in practice.

Focus on only those core skills, competences, and qualifications that are relevant and essential to the tasks at hand. Placing too much emphasis on secondary issues will soon lead to a situation where you can no longer see the wood for the trees.

7. Regularly update and maintain your matrices.

Skills matrices are only useful if you update them regularly and you can rely on their information to be current and correct. This requires a fair degree of preparation and discipline. Clearly communicate this to all employees so that information remains up to date and you’re not taken by surprise next time an auditor knocks on your door!

8. Create separate matrices for soft and hard skills

Besides qualifications and diplomas obtained v for hard skills, most modern companies these days are placing ever-greater emphasis on soft skills, such as good communication, problem- solving, perseverance, or goal setting. To paint a clear picture of these valuable skills, it’s important to maintain separate matrices for each set of skills – soft and hard.
This will help you maintain a better overview and you won’t get lost in a mishmash of skills, qualifications, certificates, diplomas, etc.

9. Take account of sector-specific issues

Sound skills management also takes sector-specific issues into account, for example industry- related legislation and regulations, quality standards, permits, licensing, etc.

10. Set clearly defined goals

Assessments are far easier if you set clear goals. The difference between an assessed proficiency and a required target level plainly illustrates an employee’s degree of mastery. It’s immediately obvious how they’re then progressing or when they’ve reached the required level. Target levels and current proficiency also make it easier to put together tailor-made training programs.

11. Keep a history

Skills management is more than just a snapshot of the here and now. It’s also about monitoring how an individual employee has progressed over time. Always keep a record of past proficiency levels and the dates on which they were attained. And don’t forget about the future either! Which skills will your organization be needing in the future and how can you prepare your workforce for tomorrow’s requirements?

Use skills management software

Chances are that after a while you’ll want to take your skills management system to the next level. Over time, you’ll need to add more employees to the same matrices without causing any version management headaches! Or maybe a need will emerge to be able to update skills matrices real time on the shop floor. Or perhaps you’ll need to assign team-, departmental, or site-specific user rights and authorization. If so, you’ll already have reached the limits of Excel’s functionality.

Using HR management software such as FABHR allows you to escape the confines of your spreadsheets’ cells! What’s more, you’ll be able to access and update information quickly, easily, and directly from the work floor, because your skill matrices are stored centrally in the cloud. Curious about the benefits? Feel free to get in touch or schedule a live demo.

Cost and ROI Analysis – Build an App that triggers RRR up to 300%

Apps run the world! They have revolutionized the way we live and work. From tracking the food we eat, right down to its macronutrients, to easily entering and analyzing a variety of different data types. It’s no surprise more companies are sourcing app developers to create a competitive edge, improve customer experience and most importantly, streamline their workflow through app development.

With highly increasing demands, mobile application development has proven over time that it is truly worth the investment. Whether you’re looking to improve your customers’ experience or upgrade your internal processes, turning to an app developer for help is a smart business idea.

As many business owners look to digitize their offerings in the most cost-effective way, pricing is often the first consideration for mobile app development. That’s why we’re delving into everything you need to know about the cost of building an app, from the initial hiring of a development team to app maintenance.

Factors that determine your app development costs

Not all apps are built the same! Because the functionality of every app is completely different, there are so many factors that need to be factored in when you consider the price of app development.

The app functionality and purpose – These are the capabilities you want your app to have and how your users will interact with it.

Mobile devices

If your app needs to run on multiple operating systems such as iOS and Android or optimized for various devices such as iPhone 12, Samsung Galaxy S10 or tablets, the price will increase. This is because often a completely new app needs to be developed for each of these.
Integration points – Your app may need to integrate with third-party systems to source content.

User Experience (UX) and app visuals

This simplifies how your users interact with the app and determines the complexity of the visual experience. You should consider if you will be able to train users (internal) or if they need to intuitively understand it (external).

Use of smartphone hardware features

Will your app harness a smartphone’s GPS navigation feature, or perhaps its NFC technology or Augment Reality tech?

Security and privacy

Consider what type of data your app will collect and store. The more secure your app needs to be, the more expensive it is to develop, test and maintain.

Hosting and maintenance plans

Much like a website, apps need long-term upkeeping. You will most likely need ongoing technical support from your developers. We’ll discuss this in more detail further in the blog. Have an app idea you want us to quote? Get in touch with our app development team here. Now that you better understand which factors impact the price of creating an app, we can get down to the numbers.

How much does it cost to build an app?

The price range of an app development differs based on the level of its complexity. Keep in mind we’re talking about industrial strength apps built with the latest technology. They include a reasonable amount of UX, security and performance-enhancing features.

The average benchmark for app development projects are:

  • Basic App Development ($40,000 – $60,000)

    This app development level will give you the base features with elementary business logic and a simple User Interface (UI) without any custom elements. The app may also have a cloud database to store and retrieve information.

  • Medium Complexity App Development ($60,000 – $120,000)

    Apps in this price range will include a few complex features, with intermediate business logic, custom UI elements and animations. It will also have cloud-hosted components and a few integrations..

  • Complex App Development ($120,000+)

    If you’re looking for an app with an array of complex features and advanced business logic, your app will most likely cost more than $120,000. This will also give you a fully customized UI, advanced animations and other features requiring complicated architecture and multiple integrations. Apps priced above this range will meet high performance and security needs.

App Hosting and Maintenance Costs

The costs of your custom app do not stop after its development. You will need fixes for bugs, glitches and errors as well as regular updates. Business owners often forget this, but as consumer and market trends change, your app must also evolve and cater to their needs. If you’re unable to keep up with the constant change and growing needs of your customers, you risk falling behind your competition. That’s why maintenance and updates are such crucial aspects of the app development process and an important factor in its costs.
The cost for maintenance varies from business to business and depends on the size of updates needed. In general, though, app maintenance costs around 20% of the original app development price.

Mobile App Development at Divergent

With over 8 years of enterprise-level development experience, we live and breathe technology. We develop tailor-made mobile apps for businesses that require a robust solution and are seamlessly designed for iOS, Android, Windows, and Web applications. Our experience across these platforms means we can recommend the best one for your specific needs.

We are focused on delivering the best quality in every app development project, and we thrive off turning the most complex issues into a simple and effective solution. Because we are a local team of experts, you can easily reach us to communicate your business needs!
Reach a wider mobile audience and elevate your business with a custom mobile app. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help turn your app idea into a reality.

5 Development Tools To Design Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

In the bad old days it was a real challenge for app developers to come up with apps that would do this well. Not anymore. Gone are the days when you needed seperate android app developers and iphone app developers. Thanks to cross-platform mobile app development tools like the ones we’ve listed below, it’s now possible to design slick, functional, productive apps that work across all mobile devices in a short amount of time.

They achieve this by they operating on the concept of WORA (write once, run anywhere), allowing developers to have code written on one platform run on multiple others. If you’re a developer looking to save time and make your app development more efficient then make sure you check out the list below.


Having been adopted by industry big shots like Microsoft, Foursquare, IBM and Dow Jones, it’s pretty clear that Xamarin is a pretty effective tool. This is because it enables developers to share code and design native apps for multiple platforms using only C# code base.


The free version offers limited features and compatibility issues prevent developers from using open-source libraries.


This great open source platform provides native APIs in Javascript. By using NativeScript, app developers can easily reuse the available plug-in npm directly into their projects.


Available resources are not extensive and useful examples and documentation on its features can sometimes be hard to come by.


RhoMobile is perfect for app developers working on multi-platform, native mobile and enterprise application. One of the major benefits of RhoStudio is that it comes with a free Eclipse plugin that allows app developers to generate, develop, debug and test applications in the absence of other hardware or emulators.


The RhoElements PRID plugin isn’t freely available for Windows Mobile/CE.


Monocross is the ideal platform for app developers looking to build interesting & interactive products. This open source, cross-platform network supports C#, Microsoft, .NET and the Mono framework. It also gives the developer full access to the native device API while still coding in C#.


Developers might find themselves in tricky situations as document and support from the Monocross framework is few and far between.

Kony Mobile Platform

Packed full of features like automatic coding, an app preview facility and API connection, amongst others, Kony Mobile Platform lets app developers quickly and easily multiplatform mobile applications.


The scarcity of resource support can occasionally create difficulties for app developers.
If all of this sounds a bit confusing then there’s no need to worry. At Lateral we specialise in designing beautiful, highly functional cross-platform apps that will enable you to compete in this highly competitive space. Get in touch with us today on (08) 6118 7221 to find out more.

How custom software development has changed during COVID crisis

Unlike other business areas, the software industry has managed to navigate the COVID-19 crisis with more ease and even managed to grow at a faster pace. While social distancing and restrictions have affected companies across most sectors that rely on in-person interaction with clients, tech businesses seem to have dealt with the situation reasonably well. This is due to the fact that this unprecedented situation has forced most organizations to turn to digitalization and accelerate the adoption of technology. As a consequence, software development companies had to perform better and deliver unflawed results, like never before. But how was this possible?

1. The challenges and opportunities of digital transformation

As weird as it may sound, the pandemic brought businesses to a point that is both extremely difficult and beneficial: a crisis that forced them to risk and focus on innovation. The global health situation is responsible for the digital transformation of companies that, under normal circumstances, could have carried out their activity without problems for years. However, they accelerated the adoption of technology, to be able to provide their services and products in the context of remote work and social distancing. Of course, custom software cannot be prioritized over health measures, but the truth is a lot of private and public institutions needed an upgrade, and this was the moment to do it.

Tech companies were also somehow forced to keep up with the increasing demand for software from organizations in a wide array of domains, and, unlike most sectors, the industry was propelled by the pandemic.

2. Why has CODIV-19 accelerated software development?

Companies allocated bigger budgets for digital transformation Expectedly, companies have adopted a policy of cost-cutting during the pandemic, in the context of uncertainty. However, the expenses dedicated to digital transformation were maintained, and sometimes even increased. Taking into consideration that most businessessaw the importance of having steady software that can support their remote activities, they invested in technology more than before.

Bigger budgets helped software development companies grow and allowed them to innovate and experiment more, since they were facing new demands from clients, especially in terms of custom software. Those organizations that took a shot and invested during the pandemic can confirm that their projects were successful and paid off. After all, increased budgets enabled businesses to access more qualitative software services, and thus to obtain better results and faster ROI.

Some of the most popular tech areas that companies have invested in since the beginning of 2020 are fintech, automation for distribution and services and digital infrastructure. When it comes to software as a service, it seems that the tools that facilitate remote work were in high demand.

3. Software solutions increase productivity during remote work

Last year saw the biggest shift from the traditional way of working to a remote, stay-at-home model, with little exceptions for certain essential industries. While most managers feared that the lack of face-to-face communication and the limited collaboration between people would affect their business, it turned out that, on the contrary, productivity increased due to remote working. This, of course, was possible because most organizations started using software based on RTC technology and made sure their infrastructure can support virtual interactions between employees.

Moreover, a recent survey shows that the pandemic conditions increased software companies’ focus on a more dynamic way of working, with DevOps as the main project management methodology. This set of practices combines software development and operations, focusing on constant feedback and delivering better solutions that can bring immediate results for clients. Another change in the world of technology has been the intensive adoption of Cloud computing, which results in more flexibility for software users – an ideal option given the remote work conditions imposed by the pandemic, which is proven by the over 150% increase in CRM usage over the past year.

Organizations across all industries needed software professionals

Although demand in most industries dropped in 2020, the data and software development areas thrived. The continuous growth is due to businesses’ necessity of implementing automated solutions that helped them keep their employees connected, on the one hand, and support sales and customer interactions, on the other hand.

Because of the pandemic, it has become clear that technology is the pivotal element in ensuring the remote way of working is as productive as possible. So, the increased demand for technology led to a boom in terms of need for HR and specialists who could serve the industry and deliver the expected results. The economic slowdown forced organizations to invest in what was essential, and that was the need for automation, software and technology.

Customer demands have been constantly evolving The evolving customer demands have made software companies improve and even perfect their services and products. The diverse expectations and requirements from clients came as a result of disrupted customer behaviors. For instance in retail, perhaps one of the most affected industries, people went from in-person shopping to ordering foods and clothes online or choosing click-and-collect services – way more comfortable and safe during the pandemic. Therefore, if companies wanted their products to reach the correct audience, they had to come up with performing online platforms to make sales happen. The same applies to industries such as manufacture, agriculture, learning, events and many others.

To meet these expectations, software specialists provided quick and effective solutions to assist businesses in adapting to the pandemic’s issues. The volatile environment and the changing demands tested organizations’ adaptability, forced them to adjust very frequently, and this can only be beneficial both for developers and for end-users, as it has shown they can navigate difficult times and still thrive.

Because some of the most valuable lessons often come from the hardest times, the fast adoption of technology has been the beneficial aspect of the pandemic. Before the beginning of 2020, very few companies had the necessary infrastructure to deal with such challenging circumstances, and yet they managed to act fast and adapt, which allowed software development providers to step forward.

Why is UI/UX Design important for your custom software solution?

The technological advancements experienced in the past few years made users want to test the best technologies within the shortest possible time. The same phenomenon applies to the business sector as well: the quicker and more efficient the site or the applications implemented in a company, the more successful outcomes will the organization obtain. And when it comes to custom software development, user satisfaction is highly important, so specialists turn their attention to UI/UX technologies that can create a great combination of visual attractiveness and functionality. For companies, this combination could bring many advantages, such as increased revenues and customer retention rate. Before diving into more benefits of the proper use of UI/UX technologies when developing web- based applications, it is best to decode the meaning of concepts, find out how those two work and what elements should be considered in order to increase the general outcome.

1. What is UI/UX Development?

UX is the short form of User Experience, which refers to a series of procedures that aim to improve the overall experience of users when they interact with software solutions and websites. UX can make any app stand out and creates the basic skeleton of customers’ interactions with the application. The focus here is to structure all components and adapt them appropriately to create a user flow. UI, which stands for User Interface, is the process of improving the overall presentation of apps and websites and their interactivity. The way an app or website looks is an essential factor in increasing users’ satisfaction. Each graphical element that we can see has this purpose and when it comes to developing a custom software solution, the client is the user and each detail should answer their needs.

2. Primary components of UI/UX Design

When implementing a new UI/UX design to improve applications and websites, companies must consider five essential elements that will make it all worth it:
  • Information architecture (IA)-
  • this stage is highly important because it means satisfying business requirements by structuring the solution’s information. If we are speaking about a web app, the primary role of information architecture is to provide users with easy navigation, regardless of the browser they are using. It is about using the best-suited combination to provide a top-level navigation menu.
    • Interaction Design –
    • it refers to creating a conceptual design for users’ interaction with the product. In this category, we can include variables such as colors, fonts, icons, sounds, graphics and other elements that can create an aesthetic display of information.
    • Usability or user-friendliness –
    • this component has the purpose to identify if users really get the information they want when visiting a website or using an application. Besides that, it also aims to comprehend various ways to handle the errors.
    • Wireframing –
    • when creating a website or a software solution, especially a custom one, testing it before the launch is essential. During the wireframing stage, you can run a testing process by creating a sample of the application to check the look, usability and other features. It is an effective way to evaluate if the app or website serves its purpose.
    • Visual design –
    • creating the visual design for a custom-made application dedicated to a company in particular means defining the organization’s brand. The overall visual design can affect users’ behavior and that is why it is one of the most important components of UI/UX. Of course, that images and other graphical elements are very relevant to this end, but their main role is identifying how the general appearance can impact users’ activity. Most companies are aware that these are the primary components to consider for excellent user experience. When it comes to implementing these elements in the development of a software application or website, the best technologies to use are AngularJS and ReactJS. They are creating a sturdy and stable framework that helps in connecting the UI/UX development to the server.

      3. Why is UI/UX design important?

      According to specialized studies, the rejection or the selection of an app is 94% related to the way its interface looks. At this point, we understand why UI/UX is a crucial factor in determining the success of a website, and the same goes for software solutions. And as online transactions and personalized business applications have gained more popularity in the past few years, offering the best user experience seems to be critical. An app that runs smoothly supports organizations so that they can successfully implement their sales initiatives. Since many options are available for website and app optimizations, any user would rather operate on a platform that has a good appearance and is easy to interact with. Nowadays, software products are no longer popular only because of their functionalities, but also for their ease of use and appearance. This means that web designers and developers need to make sure the app they are working on has a user-friendly interface, above everything else.

      4. What impact does UI/UX have on Business?

      For efficient results when using a custom software solution, any business, regardless of the industry, should focus on obtaining a user-friendly platform, as it will provide an enhanced user experience. For example, if a website is too complex and challenging, there is a risk of pushing away online traffic. The same happens with software tools: if they are too complicated to understand, users will need specialized IT support for training and maintenance, and this is something few companies can afford.
      Here is a list of the most significant aspects that will impact businesses that use UI/UX design:
      • Users’ adaptability: the easier it is for users to understand an app, the better the results of the company, in terms of achieving goals.
      • Brand awareness: by UI/UX design, companies can consolidate a brand name on the market and among its employees, which will also help them move forward in the fast-paced digital world.
      • Increase the user satisfaction: an optimized design will be reflected in users’ behavior; Sustainable growth: businesses can boost their future growth with the right UI/UX in place, without expanding their budgets.
      • Investing in web design is a long-term business strategy and it is critical not only to users but also to customers’ satisfaction, loyalty and market differentiation. As a company, showing that you pay attention to these details and you keep up with the latest trends, will determine individuals to interact more with the products you offer. Dealing with people’s different preferences and expectations is an excellent starting point for growing a business.

    Revive your workplace with HRMS system

    One of the first steps business firms took in the initial stage of the global pandemic is encouraging employees to work from home. However, due to the advanced unpredictability and lack of preparedness, it has become a challenge. As employers work to revive their workplace and recover from the losses faced, an efficient HRMS system is all the help they need. With the growing advancement of technology, almost everything can be done from almost anywhere in the world. However, keeping track of employees while they work from home is more of a challenge than expected. Work from home is a new reality and the first step towards the future of work. Learn how you can revive your workplace with an HRMS system.

    1. Attendance and leave management

    With the HRMS system, you don’t need to worry about managing your employee’s attendance or leave. It is all automated now. Employees can now punch in their attendance when they begin working and punch out when they stop. It also keeps track of activities to get easy updates whenever required.

    2. Payroll management

    Employers no longer need to worry about maintain payroll records manually. HRMS system will keep track of employee’s payroll automatically and eliminate all possibilities of errors. FabHr HRMS system is one such system where you can get all the features required in one place. You no longer have to switch between different apps for different tasks. It is a single solution for all your numerous problems.

    Why automation is tough for small business?

    “Change is the only constant in life.” Adaptability is one of the most important aspects of any business, irrespective of its scale. However, as important as it is, it is also equally challenging. It requires efforts, acceptance, and a large amount of capital. This is one of the reasons why small-scale businesses are resistant to change. With technological advancement, there are numerous software and machinery introduced in the market. One of them is HRMS software. Managing human resource tasks manually can be tiring and prone to errors. It doubles the efforts and significantly reduces productivity. To avoid this, using HRMS software for your tasks as an employer is necessary and useful. One of the most important tasks for any HR is recruitment. Hiring a talented individual for your organization is a priority for every employer. However, due to the growing competition and limited resources, it is highly difficult to do so. Using HRMS software can significantly make the recruitment process easier and more efficient for you. It eliminates the bulk of unnecessary information and filter applicants for the employer. It screens out the completely inappropriate candidates and helps in decision-making as well. It is one of the most valuable features of any HRMS software. FabHr is one such HRMS software, offering recruitment and other services such as attendance and leave management, grievance handling, email notifications, onboarding, and much more. Learn more about it on our website.

    Tips for effective team meetings

    Organizing and conducting an effective team meeting with your colleagues and employees is one of the most important tasks an employer/manager is required to do. However, due to the global pandemic and work from home becoming the new trend, team meetings are conducted online. With the mental toll the covid-19 pandemic took on all of us, it is difficult to be concentrated and productive, making the meetings even more difficult. Here’s how you can maintain your productivity levels and conduct an effective team meeting:

    1. Clear objectives

    While conducting a meeting, it is important to avoid straying off from the main topic. Initially, a meeting should have a clear agenda and purpose, and everyone involved should stick to it throughout.

    2. Set an end time

    While working from home, we often tend to lose track of time and continue the meeting unnecessarily. Being a meeting leader, you should set an end time for the meeting and stick to it.

    3. Effective online collaboration tool

    Using an effective online platform to conduct team meetings is a necessity. It should be safe, secure, and free from glitches. One such online platform is FabHr HRMS software. Along with its project management functionality, it is a great solution to replace meetings. Conduct productive team meetings and get rid of online glitches with FabHr HRMS software

    Why software industry couldn’t reach to small scale industries?

    Currently, small-scale industries face several challenges regularly such as technology, labor, power, and much more. This is mainly because of their small size and limited capital. They cannot take advantage of the resources available and as a result, lose their motivation. In some cases, it also leads to the closing down of the industry. With the advancement of technology, it has become mandatory to go digital. From external client communication to internal completion of tasks, it is all automated. Surviving in the industry without technology and the latest software is unlikely. One such need of today’s business world is HRMS software. While handling tasks manually, there were increased possibilities of errors and omissions. This in turn led to doubling of efforts and time with reduced productivity. To avoid such rookie mistakes, several HRMS software has been introduced in the industry over time with different features and at a varying price. One such software is FabHr HRMS software. Few benefits of using FabHr software are:

    1. Cost-effective

    Are you worried you won’t be able to afford HRMS software? Worry no more! FabHr software is highly affordable without compromising its quality and productivity. It also offers one month FREE trial period without any prior commitments to continue your subscription.

    2. Quality

    Serving our customers to the best of our abilities is our first and foremost priority. We never compromise with the quality and technicality of our software. Instead, we offer several glitch-free features at a highly affordable rate to serve our customers best. Our software comes with various features such as payroll and leaves management, attendance management, recruitment, email notifications, and grievance handling. Visit our website or contact us today to know more!
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